PRESUMPTION. In the Question of “JUSTIFICATION BY FAITH” there arise two schools of PRESUMPTION -one as bad as the other. NO-LAW! There is the “NO-LAW” School that arose in 1844 and became the leading Doctrine of Babylon That “FAITH” “ONLY BELIEVE” in the Atoning Work of the Cross (& the Blood) is all that is Required. Law Keeping is no Longer Necessary. That If you keep the Law, you have “FALLEN FROM GRACE.” For Grace releases you from the LAW. That is DEVIL DOCTRINE #1. All who go by JONES and WAGGONER eventually come to this Position to some degree. …. The 2nd Doctrine of Devils now making its way in church and Reform is like unto the 1st. There is no ASKING of God’s Will in both of these PRESUMPTIONS. They set themselves Above God- Judge themselves that God HAS to extend His “GRACE” to them regardless if they do jump off the Pinnacle of the Temple Teachings. This Doctrine was known as the “No -Works” (Now called: “NO EFFORT”) James and Ellen fought this in the Beginning. “Spiritualism teaches that “Each Mind will Judge itself and not another…” GC 554. SOOTH SAYERS, DOCTRINES OF DEVILS. “MANY shall depart from the faith giving heed to doctrines of Devils. Sanctuary truths strike against all of this Heresy. Let us not be FOOLISH VIRGINS!