“MISSION ’72” REPORT #2 July 8, 1972. MEADOW of DAN. “Dear Brother Hoehn, ……….”I need the references that say Adventists will keep SUNDAY.”…. A man from (VIRGINIA) SUNDAY- There are many facts of this Subject. If we reply ONLY to the References that deal with Adventists keeping SUNDAY alone- we would have ONLY 25% of the matter. It is much more Complex than that. There are STEPS as the Scroll unrolls. The keeping of SUNDAY is NOT the last “STEP’ It is the second last “STEP.” The last STEP is to employ “FORCE.” Therefore in the LAW of Survival, we should be far more Concerned with the “STEP by STEP” Rather than the “LAST STEP” – the “LAST STEP” will be both :EASY” and “POPULAR” GC 608. TIME! Now the “TIME” is here given. It is NOT (As SDAs teach) NOT in the ‘TIME OF TROUBLE” that the Adventists give up the Faith, But as the Storm “APPROACHES.” Not here yet. Did not HAVE to do it. GC 608. WHEN?? “When the early Church became CORRUPTED by … accepting HEATHEN RITES and CUSTOMS, (EASTER& X-MASS) she LOST the Spirit and Power of God; and in order to CONTROL consciences of the People, she sought the support of the secular power. The result was the PAPACY… So APOSTASY IN THE CHURCH will prepare the Way for the IMAGE to the BEAST.” GC 443, 444.