144,000 589 FLYER
144,000 WAR! “Let there be difference and EVEN WAR!” 4SP 46, 118. Those who teach that the 7th church is going through are not to be trusted for God said: “I WILL SPEW IT OUT!” Rev. 3. Holmes and Fritz Alseth,, and many others in ‘Awakening” Groups do not believe the Lord on this point! It is time we broth this point our more clearly so the little children will not go NEAR a Den of Rattle Snakes. We warned not to go near those who pray OUT of the “MOST HOLY PLACE” but they felt very SECURE of themselves.. until now they are “LEFT” to the MASTER They have chosen to kneel to! Thank God for the Warning! One ERROR leads to ANOTHER. BEWARE! Stay Close to God and His TRUTH! Let Your “LIGHT” SHINE! COL 406.