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524 FLYER UNITY NOV. 22, 1981
 Author: H. Hoehn  Category: Flyer  Publisher: Tpp  Published: 22 Nov, 1981  Pages: 2  Country: Canada  Language: English  Dimension: 8.5x14 Download / View

UNITY!!! Animals- Nations according to their CHARACTERISTICS are likened to Animals. Dragons Lions, Bears, Goats, Rams, Wolves: Beasts that attack and Destroy. Religious POWER are also likened to ANIMALS a Horn is a SYMBOL of POWER and so is the HORSE. What is the “LITTLE HORN”? This is the religious football being kicked around as man after man and group after group in Adventism strive to pin it down. But all of their speculations and guessing miss the mark of the test of the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy. The Wilsons will come and the Froom’s will go- But the Truth of God stands FOREVER!