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530 FLYER GO OUT JAN. 1, 1982
 Author: H. Hoehn  Category: Flyer  Publisher: Tpp  Published: 01 Jan, 1982  Pages: 2  Country: Canada  Language: English  Dimension: 8.5x14 Download / View

GO OUT!! Tradition of the Elders has it that there is no safe place but IN the Adventist Church- no matter HOW WICKED it is! We know there is a “Straight Testimony TO the LAODICEANS which brings about a sifting, separation, shaking. Between “WISE” and “FOOLISH” and that the WISE JOIN ANOTHER MOVEMENT! So there has to be something wrong with our interpretation/understanding of the Testimonies CONDEMNING those who go “OUT” … Read on and watch the truth unfurl!