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537 FLYER- FTH FEB. 14, 1982
 Author: H. Hoehn  Category: Flyer  Publisher: Tpp  Published: 14 Feb, 1982  Pages: 2  Country: Canada  Language: English  Dimension: 8.5x14 Download / View

FTW- “The Fred Wright teaching and Holy Flesh Doctrine” FTW teaches that a man is born an “EVIL TREE” with a “THORN BUSH NATURE” it is incapable of doing ANY GOOD or having one GOOD Thought. It is WHOLLY SATANIC. This is his CUE. How does one change? Go to a FEW MEETING and hit the “PROSTO -CHANGO” TRANSMISSION BELT. Then he is 100% under the Spirit of Christ. PROVIDED that he makes “NO EFFORT!” to change, for that would throw a MONKEY WRENCH in the whole works. God will not “HELP” him He never has, He never will. But if…. and the nonsense goes on and on! This teaching from the TALMUD is nothing new! It has taken out thousands of gullible people and will continue to secure it millions until the end of time. Let us Triumph over sin and strive to enter that straight gate!