CANCER and DIVORCE. There are Degeneracy Diseases ore wide-spread than Cancer. Heart Disease takes 50% of men over 40. It is increasing Rapidly among women. It has been clearly demonstrated that smoking, Cigarettes and Tobacco play a Major Role, and the Woman of a few years ago that did not Smoke, now, according to the latest statistical releases smokes more than men. It has long been know that if a Woman lets herself go- she goes lower than a man. and is Harder to Redeem. Ever since a child she has been told how pretty she is, how good she can cook, while the Boy may not be looked at. So the girl int his country not so in other countries becomes very proud. Pride, and stubbornness go hand in hand with lack of shame it is pride that leads to demanding bigger and better houses and mansions, and it is lack of shame and lack of compassion for others that leads her to drive her man on the Terrible Grind that is needed to pay for her pride, while her lesser sisters do without….Eve wanted MORE in the Garden of Eden, and LOST. Satan wanted MORE in heaven and LOST. Sad, Sad fact. There is a time of Trouble coming, A Satanic Doctrine…. Does it MATTER if we BELIEVE ERROR? … THE UNMENTIONABLE SIN…. The reason for most sickness, Disease of Body and Mind, and the reason for SO much DIVORCE!….. The CAUSE of CANCER…. Another CAUSE… The PREPARATION for the coming of the LORD!