This SHIPMENT – The multitudes go by Froom that “NO prophetic Interpretations were made by Ellen White. Not in a single case!” So promises Froom, but as many continue to sound this nonsense we hold the position that God will do to this church just what He promised! He gave the church a prophet to bring her out of Egypt (Bondage) and preserve her in truth and righteousness. Mean while back at the top as in the days of Christ, men fight for the top political position, This is what Lucifer wanted. Not content to be “TOP ANGEL!” He wanted the next place up- the place of the Son of God. Oh, the Foolishness of self worship! Let us take heed to these warnings and Unshackle ourselves with the Help of God from Adventist Beliefs and Traditions that have NO Foundation in the Word of God, and prepare to meet our God!